Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 5: The Brady Bunch

 I know that things can really get rough,
When you go it alone...Could be there's nothing else in our lives so critical,As this little home.
-Simple Song by The Shins 

Steven (the baby), Rachel (the country girl), Joe (the fireman), Laura (the hippy), Isabelle (the renaissance woman), Don (the oldest).

I've moved about a million times in my life. 
So, when I think of home it's not one particular place. Home. It's that feeling that you can just be you. No inhibitions.  
It's the feeling I get when we are all together. I mean all of us. We tease and laugh and argue. 

But it's home.

It was always crazy. Never alone; in a good way. You always had a friend. And someone to defend you. 
Someone to borrow stuff from.

I want to have 6 kids because of them. I want my kids to have what I had.  

So Glad I Never Had to Go It Alone.


  1. I feel the same way, home is where your heart is and our family really has my heart! I love you, and this post.

  2. You are so lucky to have such wonderful siblings. You are all a great bunch of kids!

  3. i had no idea you those were your brothers!!!! too fun!

  4. each. and. every. one. of. you. I <3!
