Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 7: Favorite Movies

I am such a movie person. So is Jordan. When we were living in Rexburg we, literally, rented and watched two movies per night. 
It was awesome. 
I don't think I could ever pick one favorite movie. In fact, I had a hard time narrowing it down to just four! But here they are! My favorite movies! I could watch these a million times and still love the stories.  

Schindler's List
*Disclaimer: this movie is rated R. I have it edited if anyone who hasn't seen it wants to borrow it. I am not encouraging anyone to go watch a R rated movie. :)

This movie is amazing. It's a true story, which I am a sucker for. It's about the Holocaust, which is my favorite subject in history to study. It has Liam Neeson. It moves me every time I watch it. 

This movie is so full of complex characters:
Schindler is basically forced into being a hero, but rises to the occasion.

Amon Goeth, the head Nazi of the concentration camp, is one of the best bad guys I've seen.

I've always felt that Itzhak Stern is really the hero of the movie- he is bold, brave and brainy.  

My favorite line of the movie is at the end when the Jews give Schindler the ring with the engraving on it: 
"It's Hebrew, it's from the Talmud. It says, "Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire." 


The best way to describe Shenandoah is to say that it is the movie for everyone: it's a war movie, a love story, a comedy, a western. 

It has James Stewart or Mr. Kruger, as he's known in the LDS community. :)

James Stewart plays Charlie Anderson, a rough farmer with six sons and one daughter. They live on  gorgeous farm (the house is mine and Jordan's favorite movie house ever) in Virgina and find themselves caught up in the Civil War. 

Shenandoah has the best movie prayers in history: 

"Lord, we cleared this land. We plowed it, sowed it, and harvest it. We cook the harvest. It wouldn't be here and we wouldn't be eating it if we hadn't done it all ourselves. We worked dog-bone hard for every crumb and morsel, but we thank you Lord just the same for the food we're about to eat, amen."

The first time that Jordan ever watch this movie with me, he started quoting my favorite line as it was being said in the movie,
"If we don't try we don't do. And if we don't do, why are we here on this Earth?"
 I asked him how he knew that line and he told me that President Monson quoted it in a conference talk. Turns out he's quoted it six seperate times!

So, if this movie is conference worthy then you know it's good!

Fiddler on the Roof

I love theatre. And I really love musicals! The film version of Fiddler on the Roof with Topol is amazing!

The comedy, religious tone, characters and romance make it a movie that never gets old. The music is classic and wonderful to sing along with. 

Tevye is a poor jewish milkman living in Russia with his sassy wife and five daughters (can you tell I love movie with large families?). Besides political issues Tevye must cope with his daughters getting married (Fiddler is the original Father of the Bride).  

One of my favorite lines in the movie is when Motel is asking Tevye for Tzeitel's hand in marriage:
"You are just a poor tailor!" 
"That's true, Reb Tevye, but even a poor tailor is entitled to some happiness!" 
And I've always felt that Tevye was describing me and Jordan here,
 "Anyway, Motel and Tzeitel have been married for some time now. They work very hard, and they're as poor as squirrels in winter. But, they're so happy, they don't know how miserable they are." 

Les Miserables

I told you I love Liam Neeson. 

This movie makes me want to be better. Jean Valjean has a real change of heart and never looks back. He is the epitome of mercy and forgivness. He truly understands Christ and how His atonement applies to everyone. This exchange between Fantine and Valjean brings me to tears every time.

"But you don't understand, I'm a whore... and Cosette has no father." "She has the Lord. He is her father. And you're his creation. In his eyes, you have never been anyting but an innocent and... beautiful woman."

Inspector Javert is so very complex. He is just man who understands justice and law so fully that he becomes consumed and obsessed by it. 

Simply, this movie is great study of justice and mercy. It's such an intriguing story with deep characters with enough twists to keep you guessing until the end. 

Have you seen these movies? Do you love them too?


  1. I love fiddler on the roof (wade can't stand musicals) so I haven't seen it in a while - he makes too many funny comments and makes fun of me when I watch them. He loves Les Mis....

    I can't think of what I would say would be my favorite movie. Growing up we loved The Sound of Music and would act out parts from it and play the songs on the piano all the time. It's a great classic too!

    fun post - and I couldn't believe it when I opened my reader and you posted while I was awake! awesome:)

  2. I love Sound of Music!!! Jordan used to say he hated musical too, until I forced him to watch a few- now he loves them almost more then I do!!

    Haha- I am on vacation which is why I am posting during the day! I guess I do always post at night! How funny!
