Saturday, August 18, 2012


I am so inspired by Mavis, over at! 
I've learned about reclaimed food (food that is saved from the dumpster usually by asking at the grocery store to pick their scraps weekly, but also dumpster diving too) find out more here.

My mom asked about the scraps at a produce wholesaler near her work and ta-da 40 lbs. of bananas (for free!!!!!) later 
The wholesaler couldn't sell these cause they were too spotty. 
But they were still perfect on the inside!

We did frozen chunks, for smoothies.
 (Flash freeze them first on a cookie sheet and then throw them in a ziplock baggie, that way, they won't be one big banana popsicle.)

We mashed some and pre measured them out into ziplock bags for banana bread.

We also dehydrated a few for snacking!
My kids love dehydrated fruit!

So, the lesson for today is, it doesn't ever hurt to ask about grocery scraps cause, really, what is better then free food?!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome Isabelle, the smoothie thing is a good idea, now we want to do it! And maybe we will throw in some strawberries and stuff! yum!
