Thursday, July 12, 2012


I've been slackin' on this whole blog thang. But I haven't been slacking in real life. So that's good! I've been busy lately, now that the weather is good, working on some pieces of furniture for a big flea market I am selling at over Labor Day weekend. I am pretty nervous about it since it will be my first time selling my stuff not over craigslist. So if you see me covered in paint you know why. This week is girls camp and I got to drive some of the girls up to Enaign Ranch. I wish I could go back and be a young woman again. Those were the days. For me, girls camp was better then Christmas. I've been doing pretty good at sticking with Zumba the past few weeks, so I'm proud of myself about that, cause I am not really great at sticking with things. My mind has also been really full of a couple of upcoming events that I want to participate in. They are still up in the air so I will let you know if they go through. Exciting times around here! Today, P. randomly brought D. a flower in from the yard. Then D said "I'm gonna marry P. when I grow up cause he's the nicest boy in the whole world." I love my babies. The end.


  1. i wanna know about these exciting things coming up! you know if you tell people about them you become more accountable and then you are more likely to stick with them :) damsel and paden are so cute! I cant wait for our kids to play together!:) love you!

  2. awww....that cracks me up! You've raised your kids right, they love each other so much! :)
